Friday, December 24, 2010

What IS it about?

I would like to first say Happy Holiday's to everyone! I was thinking about the topic of this blog as I was driving to Tennessee to spend Christmas with my family here. I started to wonder how many people still really know what this time of the year is about. Many different religions have many different traditions but it all boils down to one concept, giving. 
There is always the stress of running around and shopping. Fighting the other car for the one last parking spot at the store. Trying to arrange whose house you will go to at what time. Making sure the food is bought for the family. Then wondering for the rest of the month until whatever tradition you practice begins if others will be content with what they received. In 2 hours (depending if you have kids then about 10 minutes ha ha) everything you stressed over for months is gone for another year. Is that worth it? Is that much stress worth 2 hours? Believe it or not, I'm not saying to alter your traditions. This time next year everybody will be out doing everything they did this year, but what can make things different next year? Reduced stress still doing all the same things? How is that possible! Remembering that one concept, it's about giving.
Giving is not about materialistic items. You can give love. You can give hope. You can give faith. You can give courage. All from your heart. Giving your time to family and enjoying it will help you create love, hope, faith, and courage in your life. What you put out comes back to you, yes it is Karma but there are also many other theory behind why you get back what you give. If you focus on what matters in your life, focus on what you have, and then focus on what you can give from what you have it will give you the opportunity to offer it to others as well.
Being able to spend time with family, friends, loved ones is a huge part of feeling the Holiday Spirit, however so is giving to those who are less fortunate. The appreciation that most of those that are less fortunate is enough to create a pay-it-forward effect. 
The Holiday's is not a "designated time" for giving, it's something we do everyday, so if you keep in mind what it truly is about it will help you every day become a better person, everybody has room to grow as a person. 

It is your choice to embrace your life, and nobody can make that choice for you.


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