Thursday, November 18, 2010

Being Blessed

It's been awhile since I have posted anything here. Oh what a busy month it has been! I moved from Missouri to Washington about a week and a half ago to live with my best friend, that's the quick tidbit about where I have been. That however is not what today's blog entry is about.

This morning I was walking to the apartment mailbox to see if a package I am waiting on has arrived. There was a woman carrying a bag of trash out of her apartment who I don't know anything about, this was the first time that I had ever seen her before. She looked at me smiled and said, "Hi ma'am how are you this morning?" I replied, "I'm good, how are you?" It's a normal conversation between two perfect strangers but her answer was what made me realize all that I have. "I'm blessed, have a good day!" She responded.

Like I said I know nothing about her life what-so-ever she could have all the riches in the land or she may have just enough to get by. Either way when she responded, "I'm blessed" I knew that she appreciates what is in her life and she doesn't focus on what she doesn't have. I will say this a lot, everybody has that something that causes frustration and heartache but if you can focus on what you do have and how truly blessed you are to have it, it will add more love to this world, and it will begin to demolish the hatred between others of different beliefs, morals, and backgrounds.

I'm leaving you with this. Take a look at what you have in your life. If you have a place to sleep. It doesn't have to be a bed, anywhere at all, you are blessed. If you have food to eat, it doesn't have to be chef made, you are blessed. If you know that you are loved by at least one person in this world, you are blessed. Last but definitely not least, if you were able to wake up this morning and take a breath of air and look outside to see any kind of weather, you are blessed. 
It is your choice to embrace your life, and nobody can make that choice for you.


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