Friday, October 15, 2010

If you do what you love and love what you do you eliminate stress!

In this video there are subtitles that I added because it is hard to understand me if you aren't used to hearing me talk with a stutter. I added them so you didn't get frustrated and wonder what is she saying?! The stutter started September 7, 2010. After many tests at the hospital I came up empty handed and frustrated because once again I had no answers and a doctor who didn't believe me. I finally was able to get a hold of my neurologist who said that if the Myoclonic Seizures started and the stuttering is coinciding then stress triggered the stuttering. Trying to communicate became frustrating, but I had to learn how to communicate in a different way. Frustration is just an opportunity for learning and growing. After tossing many ideas around in my head about why something else could possibly be going wrong I came to the conclusion that nothing went wrong. Everything went exactly as planned and it turned out to be a blessing. How many people have a physical symptom that can be so easily recognized to let them know they are stressed? Many do not know they are stressed because they are so well adapted to it. I now have a tool to gauge my stress levels and I know when I need to pause and take some time out for me to release stress! I am now going to attempt to load this video that was recorded in the middle of September (hence the tank top and me being tan!)


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